Before 2020, spreading misinformation was called lying. No matter how many ways people try to spin a story, misinformation and lying mean the same thing:
Lying/Misinformation is the use of spreading inaccurate information to deliberately deceive another person or group. Omitting information or failing to disclose all relevant facts is lying by omission.
Disinformation is information designed to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government organization to a rival power or the media.
Second to Google, the greatest perpetrator of disinformation and propaganda is the United States Government and the controlled media.
According to a GOP-led Commerce panel, between August 2020 and June 2023, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) spent $911M on vaccine propaganda and mask propaganda, specifically targeting Mothers and consistently overstating the risk of the COVID virus to kids and understating the severe side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. According to the package insert from the Vaccine Maker, Novavax, the vaccine can cause altered immunocompetence, AKA: AIDS (AUTOIMMUNE DEFICIENCY DISORDER).
Imagine a vaccine so safe and effective it makes you sicker. And, imagine every local politician coercing parents and kids to take it.
Social Media Outlets, in cahoots with Politicians and Big Pharma, conspired to silence citizens who posted about vaccine injuries, risks of social isolation, masks, and the overall devastation the stay-at-home order caused to individual health and the economy.
While school board members and politicians were parading around with "Free COVID test kits and Free Vaccines and Free Lunches, they neglected to mention the fact that the surge of nearly $15 billion to cater gourmet lunches to schools across the State has to come from somewhere - like our paychecks and property taxes.
In 2021, the inflation rate shot up to 7%.
There's no such thing as a FREE LUNCH!
There are two camps of people:
the ones who believe the propaganda and go along to get along and the ones who question everything until it makes sense and at the end of the day, "No one can make sense out of insanity."
The use of the word "Misinformation" is a psychological tactic to silence opposing viewpoints. Claiming someone is spreading misinformation usually is an ad hominem attack and equivalent to calling someone a liar. Sometimes, the shoe fits—there are a lot of liars out there—but often, the one making the claim that someone else is spreading the misinformation is, in fact, the liar, or at least someone possessing a fixed mindset incapable of challenging their pre-existing biases and ego.
During the lockdowns the propagandists labeled distinguished Doctors and Health Researchers as the Disinformation Dozen. The Center for Countering Hate, wrote:
Just twelve anti-vaxxers are responsible for almost two-thirds of anti‑vaccine content circulating on social media platforms. This new analysis of content posted or shared to social media over 812,000 times between February and March uncovers how a tiny group of determined anti-vaxxers is responsible for a tidal wave of disinformation—and shows how platforms can fix it by enforcing their standards.
Jokes on them because if Trump wins, one of the greatest truth-tellers about the real risks of vaccines and other drugs and toxins in our foods, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will get to, as Trump said, "Go Wild On Health!" And, RFK Jr tells all in his phenomenal book, The Real Anthony Fauci.
The term "anti-vaxer" or "Anti-anything" or the phrase "Troll," is used to dehumanize a person; attacking the MESSENGER in an effort to silence information contradictory to the status quo. Propagandists label a person as, "Anti" to stamp them and designate them in a negative light.
Just as our town in Palos Verdes was beginning to move forward out of the polarizing conversations on Nextdoor and other social media platforms about all things COVID, LGBTQIA+++, and fights regarding the WAR in the Middle East - our Board placed another divisive item on the agenda; TAXES.
Measure SOS is a property tax increase in the amount between $29.37 to $29.49 per $100,000 of assessed home value to be paid by homeowners for the next 27 years.
According to the District's tax information, the Tax Rate is not binding on the District.
The average annual tax rate, the highest tax rate, the final fiscal year in which the tax is anticipated to be collected and the year or years in which they will apply, and the actual total debt service, may vary from those presently estimated for a variety of reasons, including, without limitation, due to variations in the timing of bond sales, the amount or amortization of bonds sold, market conditions at the time of each sale, and actual assessed valuations over the term of repayment of the bonds. The dates of sale and the amount or amortization of bonds sold at any given time will be determined by the District based on need for project funds and other factors, including the legal limitations on bonds approved by a 55% affirmative vote. Market conditions, including, without limitation, interest rates, are affected by economic and other factors beyond the control of the District and will depend on the bond market at the time of each sale. Actual future assessed valuation will depend upon the amount and value of taxable property within the District as determined by the County Assessor in the annual assessment and the equalization process. The growth or decline in assessed valuation is the result of a number of economic and other factors outside the control of the District.
Using the language written in PVPUSD's SOS resolution, several independent financial consultants weighed in on the District's math.
PVPWatch published their findings September 3, 2024, stating:
The Resolution states that if this Bond is passed, homeowners will pay an additional $29.49 per $100,000 of assessed home value, and that the District needs $16.8 million in taxes annually to service the Bond debt. This does not include the interest on the Bond. To provide the $16.8 million annually, homeowners will need to pay $53 per $100,000 of assessed value, 80% higher than the District's claim of $29.49.
Three independent Financial Analysts worked together, using the information published on PVPUSD's District Website from Isom Advisors. They began with the question,
"How will the District pay off the Debt Service for a $297,800,000 loan?"
PVPWatch took the total assessed value of all homes in the PVPUSD School District = $31.8 Billion and divided it by $100,000 times the annual tax rate of $29 and concluded a tax rate of $29 per $100,000 is not enough to pay off the the annual repayment of $16.8 million to the bank.
($31.8 billion / $100,000) * $29 = $9.2 million

When the YESONSOS campaign committee got wind of PVPWatch's publication, they went nuts trying to shut down Aaron Chan and anyone sharing PVPwatch's preliminary findings.
NEXTDOOR BLEW UP with a neighborhood task force of keyboard brownshirts trying to silence those who dared to question the District's calculations. Karli Welch viciously went after PVPWATCH. Neighbors reported her to the moderators multiple times for being UNCIVIL, so she carefully reworded her claims that PVPwatch's math was wrong, but it turns out her math was wrong.
She said, "Anyone can use an online calculator to see..."
So, we used an online calculator. And, we found out PVPWatch was right:
The Total Debt Service for a 20-year loan in the amount of $298 million with a 3.7% interest rate is $521,300,000.

After PVPWatch's story went viral the District provided additional information about the sale of the Bonds, the proposed timing, and, Keith Murphy and John Tabis (The Men behind YESONSOS) proliferated Nextdoor in an attempt to shut down any opposition to the passing of Measure SOS. Not only are they everywhere on Nextdoor but they are standing on the corners screaming, "YESONSOS."
Keith Murphy is straight out of Brave New World. In the dystopian novel, Brave New Word, the government retains control by making its citizens so happy and superficially fulfilled that they don't care about their personal freedom. I have never seen so many people gleeful about paying more taxes. But to Keith's credit he is a creative manipulator of not just minds but also of genetics. He patented a way to use 3D printing to make human liver tissue and is currently CEO and Chairman of Viscient Bio, Inc., and a serial entrepreneur and investor in biotech. According to one of his websites, Mr. Murphy spent ten years at Amgen in roles of increasing responsibility, including four years as the Global Operations Leader of denosumab, now marketed as Prolia & Xgeva; raking in over $6 billion in annual sales.
Lately, it seems Keith Murphy, together with John Tabis and their Mommy and Daddy army of YESES, spend their days obsessed on getting voters to vote Yes on Measure SOS. It looks like they even hired some interesting folks to stand on street corners during school pick up and drop off. I guess when you hang out with billionaires what's less than minimum wage but a little pocket change to hire a transient passing by on his/her or they's bicycle.

The YESONSOS Campaign Committee has brought in a war chest of donations totaling:
over $300,000 to convince voters to pay more property taxes to fund their kids' schools. And, the majority of big donations are from developers and unions - not PV HOMEOWNERS.

I have to give credit to John Tabis though - he's the only one who, though annoying through his constant messaging and intense optimism that a bond is awesome, is not an asshole. When I asked for an explanation about the math regarding the bonds he explained the Isom's rationale:
The District will not have to cover all the interest + principal in year 1 because it’s not flat every year. He stated, "Property values rise. This is the key feature to any bond and how all district bonds have been financed for decades. So the increasing base covers the increasing payments." According to John Tabis he wrote, "I was able to look up the Assessed Values 2004 to get the 20 year trend. $12,320,844,864 was the assessed value of homes in 2004. As mentioned today it is $31,730,801,401. This represents an average annual growth rate of 4.97%."
Keith Murphy on the other hand wins the asshole award for making insane claims that I oppose Measure SOS simply because I want revenge. This post on Nextdoor was made after Keith asked me how I felt about violence in a private text message. I said I am opposed to violence, accept in the forms of self-defense. I prefer Non-Violent Communication as taught by the master Marshal Rosenberg but Murphy twisted the narrative for a public fight, claiming I want "revenge for COVID era beefs."

So, Keith Murphy, has spent an insane amount of time on Nextdoor attempting to depict me as some vengeful person who has it out for the District over COVID related abuse my kids were subjected to. While it's partly true in that, "I want the District to take personal responsibility for harming children." The truth is, "I have reviewed the District finances." The District has a long history of wasting taxpayers money rather than spending it appropriately to maintain facilities. In 2020, the District shut down our schools for a year out of abundance of paranoia over COVID. The District is equipped for online distance learning so if the facilities are so dangerous why can't they shut down the schools again to fix them?
The funny thing about the YESONSOS committee is they are attacking PVPWatch's conservative projections based on the belief that:
A Bond is "Safe and Effective" and home values increasing is a safe bet.
YESONSOS and the District omit the fact that some Palos Verdes Homeowners are living like third-world refugees. Their situation is so bad that they might be forced into a buyout in what looks like the biggest land grab in PV. Even with their homes sliding off the hill, they won't be able to opt out of Measure SOS.
The YESONSOS COMMITTEE HAS received $300,000 in donations, and there are people living in our town who can barely afford to pay for the gas to keep their generators on and their lights on at night.
The level of tone-deafness and narcism is sickening but the most disturbing part of all of it - Measure SOS will likely pass because voters don't tend to do their research or consider alternative options other than a yes or a no.
There are two camps now:
Camp 1: They insist the District is right about the tax rate and they believe every person should fund the public school system even more than they are funding them now
Camp 2:
We have been keeping an eye on District finances and we know the District spends more than they receive.
We know the Tax Rate is subject to change - and, even if the District has to sell schools - we still have to pay off their debt for the next 27 years.
We know PVPUSD is continuing to see a decline in enrollment due to them pushing a radical leftist agenda
We pay more than our fair share to feed other people's children free lunches.
There should be no conflict.
However, a conflict arises when one party, group, or organization demands that another individual or group forfeit their needs and/or beliefs to accommodate the other group. The YesONSOS committee only needs to convince 55% of voters to vote yes. To the 45%, sorry about your luck—no SOS for those already in debt.
The District used Isom Advisors in 2019 to attempt to pass Measure PV. Measure PV failed to pass.
Measure SOS is similar to Measure PV, except it is slightly less money. Measure SOS contains language in the resolution that prevents the District from using the revenue from the sale of Bonds for District Salaries, benefits, workforce housing, or district administrative buildings. According to Isom's regulatory disclosure, they may have a conflict of interest because if voters approve Measure SOS, Isom may receive compensation by issuing municipal securities. Isom donated $5,000 to the YESONSOS Campaign. - Clearly, they aren't neutral, and they desperately want to pass this Measure.

Just as neighbors on Nextdoor canceled accounts of anyone spreading the truth about the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, they are suspending accounts of anyone posting, "They don't want to comply with another tax hike imposed by politicians who can't work within a budget."
Those who demand uniform compliance are using the same tactics the propagandists used during COVID: censorship, labeling factual information as misinformation, and labeling those who want a choice on how their money is spent as ANTI-BOND PEOPLE, misinformation spreaders, and Trolls.

When Board Members and the YESONSOS Campaign Committee spread their propaganda, they insist passing another Bond is the only way to pay for facilities or as School Board Member, Julie Hamill wrote in an op-ed in the Daily Breeze, " Measure SOS is the least bad of bad options."
The YesONSOS committee is hanging out on street corners with their kids saying, "There's no other way to save our schools!"
They neglect to remind the public about Measure M. The District passed a forever parcel tax in November 2011 and it went into effect in 2013. Measure M was sold to voters as a "tax to end all other taxes."
homeowners have paid $89 million as of June 2023.
Add another $20.5 million for 2024 and 2025
The total amount for the 14-year period is estimated at $110.
How was this $110 million spent?
The latest (June 2022) Measure M audit report
( provided three numbers:
· Tax proceeds $9.4 million
· Expenditures: Teachers and related benefits - $8 million.
· Expenditure: Technology staff and related benefits, Advanced programs in Math, Science and Technology, Classroom technology - $1.4 million.
How should Measure M be spent?

Keith Murphy has been the most vocal commentator on Nextdoor and accused everyone who doesn't agree with him of spreading misinformation and recently referred to people who don't want to pay for his kids' schools as the, "Anti-Public School Cabal."

A cabal is a secret plot, or a small group of people who create such a plot. Save PV Schools has never operated in secrecy. We have a public account. We make public comments. And, we never received $300K in donations from outside investors. Keith Murphy is the pot calling the kettle black and considering it's the District's Financial Advisors, partnering with YesONSOS, along with the Superintendent's husband and other developers funding YESONSOS it's pretty obvious the secret plot is the people who will profit off of the sale of bonds to the highest bidders and that's NOT US!
The money from Measure M should have been used as it was originally promoted to voters - "to keep school facilities and grounds clean and well-maintained."
Measure M stated the parcel tax would also be used for funding art, music and PE. However, the Peninsula Education uses our donations to fund music and PE, so what is the District actually spending Measure M on?
According to the District, "On November 8, 2022, California voters approved Proposition 28: The Arts and Music in Schools (AMS) Funding Guarantee and Accountability Act. The measure required the state to establish a new, ongoing program supporting arts instruction in schools beginning in 2023–24."
Arts, Music & Instructional Materials Block Grant
With a grant for art and music, one would think the District could allocate even more of Measure M to keep facilities maintained.

The bottom line for us is based on all available evidence, "We don't trust the current School Board."
The School Board is asking us to trust them with a debt service of over $450 million to be paid off by homeowners over the next 27 years. As I told Keith Murphy in a candid conversation over the telephone, "I don't believe the public school system will exist 27 years from now! My husband is one of the original SPACEX EMPLOYEES. 27 YEARS FROM NOW WE WILL HAVE COLONIZED MARS AND WILL BE ENGAGING IN INTERPLANETARY TRAVEL. PUBLIC SCHOOLS WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST."
My ability to look at the existing evidence does not making me anti-school or anti-bond, I am a realist, and I really don't think spending more money will solve the issues I see. It's a NO for me on SOS.
It's time for all of those who love TAXES to use the $300K they collected to fund actual improvements in facilities rather than waging war on neighbors nextdoor.